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  • Noverleen Hoggard

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Noverleen Hoggard

Noverleen Hoggard

Noverleen passed away suddenly at her home on

6th November 2021, aged 57 years.

Dearly Loved Sister & Sister In-Law of Claude & Paula, Tess.

Loved Auntie of Tanisha & Blade, Toby, Henry & Matthew.


Funeral Notice

A graveside  funeral for Noverleen Hoggard 

will be held at the Swan Hill Memorial park

on Friday 3rd December 2021

commencing at 11.00am

Qr code check in and proof of double vaccination is required 


We love you aunty Nov and very sorry we couldn't be there ❤ may you rest in dreamtime with Nana Pam, Love Lowie and her baby's


Noverleen, growing up, you and your brothers, not to mention your mum, my Aunty Pam were such a big part of my life, with so many fond memories of our times together (Albury, Narrandera, Swan Hill...). I do hope you are finding your peace with Aunty Pam and Aunt Elizabeth and so many others, like you, lost to us far too soon. Vlad

Vladimir Williams

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