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  • Giuseppe Michael Pellegrino 'Joey

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Giuseppe Michael Pellegrino 'Joey

Giuseppe Michael Pellegrino 'Joey

Joey passed peacefully at Swan Hill District Health

 on July 24, 2023, aged 65 Years.

Dearly loved father and father in -law of Daniel and his dog Bluee,

Jamie & Nakita, Adam & Emma, Jessica & Ben.

Treasured Nonno of Joe, Keahli, Luca, Emelia & Olivia.

‘Loved by all who knew him’.

Funeral Notice

Funeral Prayers for the repose of the soul of

 Guiseppe ‘Joey’ Pellegrino

will be held at the St Mary’s Catholic Church,

Splatt Street, Swan Hill,

on Friday July 28, 2023,

commencing at 1.30 pm. 

At the conclusion of the mass

a private family interment will be held.


If you wish to give condolences before the mass they will be received at Paul & Maria's home 2 Jager St Swan Hill


Thinking of you all at this sad time ❤️

Janiene wiseman

Condolences to the family ❤️ Trevor and Raylene xx

Trevor Dedini

Aww Joey, it breaks my heart that your time on earth has come to an end and that our friendship group has lost a link. You leave me with some great memories that began nearly 50 years ago. We shared the love of dance, laugher, the good drink of whiskey and Coke, until l couldn't drink it ever again. Your pain free now Joey, fly high, dance hard, enjoy a scotch or two as you look down on us and wait for the day that we will all meet up again. To Daniel, Jamie, Adam, Jessica Pauly, Maria and Connie and your families l send you all lots of love on the loss of your Dad, Nonno, Brother and Uncle. Your memories are now your treasures. Love always Wendy Miceli & Family ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wendy Miceli

My condolences to all the family. Joey was a great neighbour and friend and a special and very fond memory of my childhood. RIP my friend.

Brian McKerrow

With heartfelt condolences to Joeys family. Our thoughts are with you all at this time. Great neighbour, great friend and great Dad.

Bradley and Tenielle McManus

My deepest sympathy to Joey's family. Condolences to Connie, Paul and families. A little piece is missing but never forgotten.

Cathy G

Bugger, why do we leave things until it's too late? I enjoyed our Christmas Morning coffee catchup when we were in our twenties, in our previous lives. Wednesday night Scotch and Movie night. Working together in Indoor cricket, playing it around the state, playing together at St Mary's Tyntynder. Joey's theory? Block one, leave one, slog one! Scored one more century than me, who can argue? Bugger. Condolences to all Joe's kids and brother Paul.

Simon Bradley

My deepest condolences to friends and family. We grew up to together in Swan Hill and shared many great times. Though we haven't been in touch for sometime, it was those times in Swan Hill that I will treasure. R. I. P Mate

Rick Caruso

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