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  • Alan Murray Walker

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Alan Murray Walker

Alan Murray Walker

Alan Passed peacefully after a short illness at

Swan Hill District Health on October 13, 2023, aged 75 years

Loved and loving husband of Heather

Loved Father, Pop, Brother, Uncle, and friend to many.

Thank you for being in our lives we miss you so much already.

You will always be in our hearts.

wherever you are, Raise a glass for Alan.

Funeral Notice

As per Alan's wishes a private cremation will be held.


Thinking of you all. I have fond memories of Alan working out at our farm for many years! A ripping bloke! Rest is peace mate!

Krystal Lewis (Dorrie)

Deepest sympathy to Heather and family. RIP Alan Gary and Jenny Parsons

Gary and Jenny Parsons

Oh Heather and family our deepest sympathy to you all ,thinking of you

kate and doug bushby

Deepest sympathy to Heather & Family. RIP Alan. Bushy

Jeff Reid

Dear Heather and family, the last link I know of to Uncle Andy and Aunty May, my thought's are with you all . Rest in peace Alan Cuz Rhonda

Rhonda Leslie

Very sad hearing about Alan last time l seen him with you we were having a joke up the street he will be sadly missed thinking of you Heather and Families all my love Joanne xx

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