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  • Mrs Mary McLaughlin Burns (nee Campbell)

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Mrs Mary McLaughlin Burns (nee Campbell)

Mrs Mary McLaughlin Burns (nee Campbell)

Mary passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family

on August 1, 2023, aged 88 years.

Loved and loving wife of John (Dec)

Adored Mother and mother In-Law of

John & Anne-Marie, Anthony, Jim & Robyn,

 Ron & Carolyne, Maryjane & Alastair, Helen.

Treasured Nanna of Imogen, Hannah, Luke,

Liam, Jack, Alannah, Lachlan, Dustin, Wentworth.

Great Grand Nanna of Sunny.

‘A life well lived, Resting eternally.’

Funeral Notice

Graveside funeral prayers for the repose of the soul of Mary Burns,

Will be held at the Speed Cemetery, Patchewollock-Sea lake Rd, Speed.

On Friday August 11, 2023. Commencing at 11.30am


So privileged to have Mary as a mother in law. Her devotion to family, her faith and her never ending support will be cherished forever. Her place in heaven so richly deserved. Family gatherings will never be the same.


Sending our love and prayers to all of Johnno and Mary’s family on the passing of Mary. Now at peace with Johnno. Jude, Terry,Kate and Gera . (Lilah and Maurie Burns)

Geraldine Vagg

Mary is fondly remembered by Lake Bogs Bowling Club members as a club bowler and happily involved in our social events especially our Melbourne Cup days . Our sympathy is extended to all Mary's family from the Lake Boga Bowling Club members and friends

Sent by Janet Hamill for Lake Boga Bowling Club

Helen, Mary Jane, Robin and families our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. Michael and Jenny Codling

Jennifer codling

Mary-Jane, Helen and family so sorry to hear of the sad passing of your dear Mum. My thoughts and prayers are with you all Catherine

Catherine Schulz

Deepest sympathy to Jim, Robyn, Mary-Jane, Helen and their families at the loss of their beloved mother and mother-in-law. Cheryl Beard

Cheryl Beard

A beautiful lady who loved her footy nearly as much as she loved her family. She was passionate, loud and had the best laugh. RIP Mary Deepest sympathy to all of her family. Ian and Carolyn Snyder and family

Ian and Carolyn Snyder

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