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  • Lawrence William Turner 'Doolie'

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Lawrence William Turner 'Doolie'

Lawrence William Turner 'Doolie'

Lawrence passed away peacefully at Bendigo Health

 on December 9, 2023, aged 79 years.

Dearly loved and special friend of Frank & Sue Phillips, and family,

 and his many Friends In Lake Boga and Melbourne..

‘May He rest in peace’.

Funeral Notice

Funeral prayers for the repose of the soul of Lawrence Turner

 will be held at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Swan Hill

 on Monday December 18, 2023, at 10.30 am.

At the conclusion of the mass

the cortege will proceed to the Lake Boga Cemetery.


May doilies rest in peace, a gentleman and dear fiend of Sue and bras

Suzanne brasser

I could never remember his name but I knew him by sight and he knew me. Instantly I new we would have a stimulating chat, usually out front of Aldi. I think we first meet when I was driving taxi maybe 15 to 20 years ago. I remember we first starting talking about shares the stock market and trading. I treasured our random chats and regret not being able to attend the service. Farewell Doolie.

David Magee

Sorry to hear of Dooleys passing we will miss our little chats when we met.He was always interested on what was going on,and we will miss his little stories.No more pain now.Rest in Peace Dooley we will miss you .Kay & Doug Jewson.

Kay Jewson

So sorry to hear Laurence died my mum and dad were very good friends, kath and Bill Burgess l only just seen this other wise l would have come to the funeral all my love to the family

Joanne Evans

'Dooley' you will be sadly missed. Days at Dairy Farmers at Lidcombe, our trips to Lake Boga with family and friends. Enjoying the Daisy Patch and watching football. Catching up two years running at the Melbourne Cup in about 2017-18. Last visit to Boga in 2021. Will miss your long phone calls. Hoping you may catch up with your dear friend Peter O'Keefe who passed on the 8th November. All my family will miss you very much. Love Wendy O'Keefe, your godson Paul, Kristen, David and Peter Jr and their families.


Doolie, thanks for checking in on the cows and for all your advice & encouragement. We'll miss your drop ins. No more pain now. Nick & Mitch.

Nick and Mitch Taylor

Sorry to hear of the passing of Doolie, we will miss your stories, and will be forever grateful for your wisdom! Thank you for leaving the world a better place than you found it! Love always Carli + Liam & Jacob + Chloe

Chloe Taylor

Farewell Doolie, we will miss your visits, the late nights, your wealth of knowledge, your love of the ABC network????????. Hope the vermouth is on tap & the roses are in full bloom up there. Rest Easy. Vicki x

Vicki Taylor

Fond memories of a really terrific bloke, Dooley, you were so very unique mate. I remember our days of playing football for Lake Boga all those years ago. Rest In Peace Dooley Changa

Lindsay Charles

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