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  • Giuseppe Saraceno 'Joe'

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Giuseppe Saraceno 'Joe'

Giuseppe Saraceno 'Joe'

Joe passed away peacefully at his home

with his beloved Cicchina by his side.
Aged 76 years.
Dearly loved and loving Papa to Charlie, Armando (Dec),

Armando Salvatore (Dec) & Lisa.
Loved father in-law to Sandra and Wes.
Bello Nonno to Joseph, Kayla; Xavier & Alaina.

“Reunited with his beloved sons”
Armando (1 day old) Armando (16 days old)


Funeral Notice

Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Joe Saraceno

will be held at the St Mary’s Catholic Church,

 Splatt Street Swan Hill on Tuesday January 9, 2024,

 Commencing at 10.30am.

Rosary will be recited at the Church at 9.30am.
At the conclusion of the Mass the cortege

 will proceed to the Swan Hill Memorial Park

 (Catholic Monumental Section).

The Lutto/Condolences will be held at the

 family home on Saturday 6th January and Sunday 7th of January.

In lieu of flowers, a donation to the

Lewy Body Dementia Association would be appreciated.


Condolences Chicchina to you and your family. Rest In Peace Joe 

Bruno and Maria Demasi

To Francie, Charlie, Lisa and families Very sorry for your loss, we are thinking of you at this sad time. Dale and Kristine Brake

Dale Brake

Dear Francis & Lisa & Charlie, deepest sympathies from the McAlister Family thinking of you all. May he rest in peace. Ian, Ruth & Jo.

Joelene McAlister

Condolences to Frances and family, may Joe rest in peace. Josephine Sofia

Josephine Sofia

To Lisa and family so sorry to hear the loss of your beloved Dad He can now rest We are thinking of you all Kayelene & Warby xx Bianca, Jono & boys xxx

Kayelene Warburton

On behalf of the Taverna Family we would like to give our condolences to Chicchina and the Saraceno family as Joe was apart of my father (Charlie) Card playing group and each time they played cards they filled up the card playing room with cigarette smoke, it was like the movies, a hayes of smoke. RIP Joe

Nick Taverna

Thinking of you all at this sad time lots of love

Shirley Swan

Condolences to the family From Malcolm and Suzanne brasser

Suzanne brasser

Deepest love and sympathy to Lisa and family, thoughts are with you at such a heartbreaking time xx

Sarah Cameron

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