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  • Edward Thomas Hyland 'Ted

    Hero image
Edward Thomas Hyland 'Ted

Edward Thomas Hyland 'Ted

Beloved husband of Yvonne.

Loved father In-law of De-Anna

And Poppy Ted to Laurdah, Maddox & Elektra.

You are no longer in pain Ted rest in peace, my darling.

Thank you, my love, for the last 30 years.

‘You will live in my heart, until we meet again’.

Your loving wife Yvonne.

Funeral Notice

A private service will be held for Edward Hyland


Deepest sympathy Yvonne in the sad passing of Ted. Mary Grisdale

Mary Grisdale

Thinking of you all at this time. Good bowling mate xxxx Rod & Laurel

Laurel Dewhurst

Condolences to all Ted's Family on his loss, thinking of You Yvonne.

Kathleen Anderson

Sending sincerest condolences on the passing of Ted. Keeping you in our thoughts Yvonne & family.

Cherie, Alistair & Archer Ward

Thinking of you all during this time. X


Dear Yvonne and family, thinking of you all at the loss of Ted. Tony and I shared many happy times on the bowling green with Ted. Much love Lainie Aiello

Lainie Aiello

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