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  • Mrs Margaret Kenyon

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Mrs Margaret Kenyon

Mrs Margaret Kenyon

Much loved and loving Mother Ross and Kath,

Gail, Glenda and Laurie.

Six Grandchildren and One great grandchild.

Miss me a little but not too long, and not with your head bowed low,

Remember the love that we once shared, miss me but let me go. Anon

Funeral Notice

A service to celebrate the life of Margaret Kenyon

will be held in the Serenity Chapel of Taverna Funerals

168 Curlewis St Swan Hill, 

on Wednesday May 8 2024.

Commencing at 1.30 P.M.

At the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to

Lawn Section B of Swan Hill Memorial Park.


Those wishing to view the webcast of Margaret's

service please click on the link below.

View The Webcast


To Ross kath Gail Glenda Laurie and families our thoughts and prayers are with you all on the passing of Marj sorry we can't be with you for her funeral so many memories for you all to hold in your hearts love from Rod and Glenys Perris and family wa

Glenys Perris

Our deepest condolences to Ross, Kath and family Thinking of you Tania, Paul and family

Tania Merritt

Deepest sympathy to Gail from Janette

Janette Davison

Aunty Marg, it was an absolute privilege to know you and your spunky humour. We send our most heart felt thoughts and condolences to Ross, Kath, Gail, Glenda and Laurie and their families and to all those who have had the honouring of feeling the warmth Aunty Marg bought into a room. You are greatly missed.

Darcie and Charlie Vonarx



So sorry for your loss Such a lovely lady My thoughts are with the family.

Suzanne coburn

So sad that I can’t be with you in person to farewell Aunty Marg but I will be with you in spirit as I watch the service online. Ross, Kath,Gail,Glenda and Laurie, sending you lots of love. Loving memories of a special lady.  Pam M

Pam Major

So sad that I can’t be with you in person to farewell Aunty Marg but I will be with you in spirit as I watch the service online. Ross, Kath,Gail,Glenda and Laurie, sending you lots of love. Loving memories of a special lady. 

Pam Major

Gail, Glenda, Ross, Lots of Memories of your Mum, condolences to you all

Sue O'Shea

A beautiful lady at rest A wonderful neighbour to my Mum so many years ago Condolences to Gayle and Ross and families Lyn and Geoff Ward

Lyn Ward

Ohhh Mrs K, my friend and neighbour. I will miss your cheekiness and your quick wit. No more Old Gold chocolate or murder mystery books. My love and sympathy to your entire family xx

Deb Hutchins

To Ross, Gail, Glenda and families, thinking of you at this time, our sincere condolences at the loss of your dear mother, Margaret, Damian and Karen Kelly

John Damian Kelly

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